When the syringe's needle gets dull, it is sharpened. Some inmates claim the same needle would be used up to 200 times and by 100 people. Prisoners who inject drugs will most likely share needles. Incarceration of drug users contributes to higher rates of diseases in prisons. State-of-the-art electronic drug detection equipment, staff, inmate and visitor searches, drug sniffing K-9 units, and urinalysis use reduces but does not eliminate drug introduction. Illicit drugs enter correctional facilities regardless of security measures.

The litigious nature of many offenders raises additional concerns for needles in correctional institutions. Every year 600,000 to $1 million needlestick injuries occur in the United States.Īmerican hospital staff report that one case of "serious" infection by bloodborne pathogens can add up to $1 million in testing, time from work, and disability payments (even routine treatment ranges from $500 to $3000). A CDC study concludes on average 50 percent or more needlesticks and sharps exposures go unreported. Similar to the general public, correctional healthcare staff will always need to inject medications. Currently there are 24 vaccine preventable diseases in the world. Sixteen billion needle injections are provided worldwide every year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the prevalence of TB is up to 100 times higher in prison than in the community. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) is much higher among inmates than in the community. More than 22,000 inmates in federal and state prisons have HIV (almost four times the general population). The fluid nature of incarcerated populations ensures a higher percentage of vaccinations is needed in correctional facilities and upon reentry into the community. Prison workers come to work with additional concerns relating to life-altering events such as accidental needlestick injuries and potential assaults with unaccountable needle contraband. Earlier this year, prison officers in Canada threatened to walk off the job because of a proposal to introduce an exchange program which could place staff at risk.Īmerican correctional administrators continue to enhance drug and needle interdiction programs, and seek safer solutions other than condoning inmate access to needles.Įxposure to blood and other body fluids occurs across a wide variety of occupations, but correctional staff are at even greater risk each and every day. Sixty prisons worldwide have needle-exchange programs because inmate access to drugs and needles is prevalent. Pearce opened a security gate for inmate Graham Farlow at Long Bay Jail in Australia, was assaulted with a contaminated needle, and eventually died from an AIDS-related illness. The unfortunate death of correctional officer Gary Pearce, who was stabbed with a needle infected with an HIV blood-filled syringe, stresses the danger of needle access in correctional settings. More than 20 percent of state offenders and 50 percent of federal offenders are in for drug offenses many would use a needle if available. Infections prevented in prison will reduce healthcare costs and provide a better environment for inmates and staff. Until correctional administrators can guarantee a totally drug-free environment, they need to manage the risk of infections caused by inmate access to needles. Inmates may have a higher rate of bloodborne diseases.Security issues are often a higher concern than infection control.Jails and prisons can be unpredictable work settings.What if prison needles were a thing of the past?